Chocolat - Joanne Harris
This book is a hard one to review. I liked the story and char­ac­ters, but at the other hand I didn’t like Harris’s writ­ing and the way she por­trays the char­ac­ters. Take Vianne; the first time we “meet” her, we know there is some­thing mag­i­cal about her and at some points it’s really clear in the story, but because of her gift I wanted to see more of it. If you give your char­ac­ter such a spe­cial gift, dare to use it to its full extant. I feel like Har­ris didn’t. Also Roux, one of the gypsy peo­ple; he is mys­te­ri­ous, but just not enough. So by mak­ing the char­ac­ters even more inter­est­ing and using their and her own poten­tial Har­ris could have made a really great book, now it’s just good.